Friday 25 October 2013

Something Borrowed ... from Marie Chaix

"Ce va ramane dupa mine?
Ce mostenire de necazuri copilaresti, de lacrimi pierdute, de lupte neintelese, de libertate rau indrumata, de iubiri statornice, de dolii, de vise neimplinite, ce mostenire de uitare si somn voi lasa timpului care la randul lui ma va uita ?"
Marie Chaix - "Tacerile sau viata unei femei" 

"What will remain after me?
What legacy of childish
troubles, lost tears, misunderstood fights, wrongly guided freedom, loyal love, griefs, unfulfilled dreams, what legacy of oblivion and sleep I will leave time which will also forget me? "
Marie Chaix - "Silences or a Woman's Life"

"Am fost sa vad casa in care traiau parintii mei cind m-am nascut. E ciudat, pentru ca din toate locurile in care am trait, este singurul care a ramas exact la fel. Cred ca asimilezi unele lucruri din casele in care locuiesti. Ceva ramane, nu doar in memoria ta, cred, ci in trupul tau."

"I went back to see the house my parents lived in when I was born. It’s strange, because of all the places I’ve lived in and gone back to, it’s the only place that’s completely the same. I think you capture some things of the places where you live. Something stays, not only in your memory, I think, but in your body.

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